Why marketing is important to you - the consumer
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Why marketing is important to you - the consumer
Free training: "Why marketing is important to you - the consumer"
From a consumer point of view, marketing has both positive and negative elements.
Marketing - positive elements for the customer
Thanks to marketing management, the customer receives a high-quality product tailored to his needs.
An advertising campaign for a product brings with it information that makes it easier for a customer to make decisions about the degree of satisfaction of their own needs by purchasing a given product. The customer does not have to waste time and energy on shopping and tedious comparing products. Necessary information about the product is provided to the client by marketing (advertising and promotion).
Marketing - negative elements for the client
As a result of a strong promotional campaign of the producer or distributor of the product, the customer is manipulated and makes a purchase taking into account the properties of the so-called product marketing. Marketing properties are a term for the characteristics of a product as presented in the product information advertisement.
Unfortunately, the product description in the ad often does not coincide with the actual product features. Often, some product features are highlighted - the positive ones, and others - the negative ones are by marketing specialists - omitted.
Why marketing is important to the consumer - summarizing:
marketing creates a specific image of a product or service for a client. If the use of the product confirms the information about the product characteristics acquired during the advertising campaign, the customer will be satisfied with the purchase. Unfortunately, it often happens that the product significantly deviates from the image presented during the advertising campaign. Then the customer is angry, embarrassed and reluctant to make further purchases from a given manufacturer.