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CSS3 html5 selectors and css basic selectors

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CSS3 html5 selectors and css basic selectors


CSS3 selectors - Font:

1. Size - the {font-size: size} selector

2. Type - the {font-family selector: type, type1, type2, ...}

3. Style - the {font-style: style} selector


CSS3 selectors - Text:

CSS selectors Creating responsive mobile websites training guide

1. Color: - selector {color: color}

2. Decoration - selector {text-decoration: decoration}

3. Alignment - the {text-align: alignment} selector


CSS3 selectors - Background:


1. Color - the {background-color: color} selector

2. Image background - {background-image: url (image path)}

3. Repeat - the {background-repeat: repeat} selector

repeat - background repeat in both directions (default)
repeat-x - background repeat only in the horizontal direction
repeat-y - background repeat only in the vertical direction
no-repeat - no background repeat (will be displayed as a single image)


CSS3 selectors - Margins:

top right bottom left {margin: size size size size}
Size you must enter a specific value in units of length eg pixels.
Internal padding:
top right bottom left {padding: size size size size}
The size should be given a specific value in units of length, e.g. pixels.

CSS3 Selectors - Border:

1. Style - the {border-style: style} selector

Style - most commonly used:
hidden - hidden border
dashed -
dotted dashed line
- solid dotted line - solid inset line
- "frame"
outset - "button


2. Border thickness - {border: size} selector

Size should be given a specific value in units of length, e.g. pixels.


3. Border width - selector {border-width: width}

Width - examples:
thin - thin
medium border - medium
thick border - thick border
or a specific value in units of length


4. Border color - the {border-color: color} selector


We substitute the color for the color, e.g. in hexadecimal or in English.


A list of all selectors can be found, among others at:   for a list of full CSS references.

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