Training Effective Sales or Professional Customer Service Introduction
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Training Effective Sales or Professional Customer Service Introduction 2023
Selling - the oldest and, as many professors claim, the greatest job in the world. And all because you can focus on satisfying human needs - the needs and expectations of our beloved customer.
Sales is one of the most important processes in any commercial - profit - oriented organization. Colloquially speaking, the sale is:
And the art of pushing customers into products manufactured by a given company,
B satisfying the needs of customers by providing them with the products and services they desire.
Interestingly, effective selling often concerns products not always needed, and sometimes even redundant. Sales together with all broadly understood marketing management is designed to meet the existing needs of customers or to create those needs, because we often have a case that the product is and the needs for its possession - lack. Then the company (marketing and sales) must create such needs for clients - in their mentality and psyche - to be created.
An effective salesman is one of the most important elements necessary for the commercial success of any company, it is an essential element of every sales department. It is, in fact, the oldest profession in the world. And although some specialists argue who was the seller or prostitute before, I think that such considerations do not make sense, because a prostitute is one of the best, because based on the actual needs of customers :) - examples of a professional approach to sales and the profession of seller.
The materials come from my training Professional Customer Service, which I run, you know - so traditionally, in the training room :), for over 10 years. Copyrights belong to my business consulting and training GDDM Power of Knowledge . Of course, if you were interested in participating in my traditional customer service training - let me know :) - I invite you.
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