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Marketing - basic information - what is marketing?

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The article "Marketing 2024 - basic information - what is marketing" was prepared based on the training:

MARKETING - WHAT IS MARKETING? WHAT IS MARKETING? marketing elearning training from scratch

What is marketing and marketing?



Marketing - basic information - what is marketing?

MARKETING - from research to meet the needs of consumers

The task of marketing is:

  1. providing the right product (or service),
  2. in the right amount,
  3. in the right place
  4. at the appropriate time,
  5. and as a result:
  • customer satisfaction and
  • profit from the operation carried out.

Stages of marketing activities:

  1. Market research - customer needs,
  2. Development of the concept of the product and target customer,
  3. Product implementation,
  4. Preparation and implementation of a promotional campaign,
  5. Product launch.

In considerations on marketing, a fairly significant element of knowledge is the so-called " Three major market forces" :

¯ continuous development of the consumer and a profound change in his expectations;

Informacyjne improved information technologies that shape this market;

¯ the process of internationalization of product trademarks and marketing itself.

Without understanding and accepting the above rules, you cannot understand the customer - the market and respond appropriately to changes in consumer behavior - the market.

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