Effective salesman. Effective salesman. Sales psychology
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Effective salesman. Effective salesman. Sales psychology
Free training Successful sales or Professional Customer Service part - free online course - continued
On the internet - free online training Effective sales or Professional Customer Service part
You can use my training completely free - on the Internet. I offer free access to materials. It is only up to you how you use it, but remember that I have all the copyrights to free training available at www.poswojsku.info . You have the right to use free training materials, but you do not have the right to copy, distribute or punish my training. Unless with my written consent.
In the training room - directly with me - paid training Effective sales, i.e. Professional Customer Service part
In the training room I run trainings mainly for organized groups - are you interested? Contact me, we will determine the details: training (@) poswojsku.info GSM 794 553 153
Effective salesman - effective salesman - sales psychology - training
Place: 98-220 Zduńska Wola, Paprocka 86
Price for two days in total: PLN 480 - paying for two days of training - PLN 170 discount! (+ 23% VAT - gross PLN 590.40)
Effective salesman - effective salesman - sales psychology
In the case of trainings carried out outside the headquarters of GDDM & poswojsku.pl, operating costs (travel, rental of the training room, accommodation) should be added to the costs.
Deadline: to be determined
Day one - Customer psychology theory
Day two - Workshops: Selling benefits using an effective salesman method
- two days of training and workshops with a professional - a practitioner in the field of effective sales rep and sales psychology issues
- a set of training materials
- certificate of completion of training
- coffee breaks and refreshments - lunch (on Saturday)
Benefits of participating in the training - obtaining:
- new and raising existing interpersonal qualifications
- improving sales efficiency
- knowledge about the basic techniques of getting to know the client
- basic information on the appearance and behavior of the best traders
- training completion certificate
Person conducting the training:
Trainer - master's degree, over 10 years of experience in conducting training in the field of Sales Techniques and Psychology, 15 years of experience in work related to customer service.
I. Introduction
A modern salesman is the most sought after profession not only in Poland but also in the world. In different companies, in various industries, this position is called differently, e.g. salesman, account manager, sales manager, agent. Despite the difference in names, the salesperson's goals are similar everywhere. From the company's point of view it is:
- maximizing sales
- professional customer service
- representing the company outside
However, from the salesman's point of view, the main goal of work is to obtain the highest level of sales, usually translating directly into the amount of remuneration obtained. Yes, yes - the highest salary. Because it is mainly for money that you work in this profession. If in your case it is different, if the "cash register" does not turn you on - do not think about the profession of a seller - waste of time!
II. Sales representative - what you need to know to be the best
In the work of a sales representative, the first 10 seconds rule is very important, during this time you will be assessed at the first meeting with the client. During this time, the customer may like or hate you. To make a positive impression on you, you must meet certain standards of clothing and behavior. Get to know them very carefully.
- Appearance
- body
Always clean, well-groomed, well-groomed: nails, hair, and in addition for women: makeup - delicate and refined
- outfit
A professional salesman always looks the same - neat, clean and elegant:
WOMAN - elegant costume (possibly a dress or blouse with skirt), elegant shoes
MAN - elegant suit, shirt, tie, black shoes
- Behaviour
Smile - broad, joyful and cordial - towards all encountered people, and above all towards clients
Vision - full of warmth, always aimed at the interlocutor
Body language - gestures of openness and interest in the affairs of others
Greeting - quite a strong handshake, a light shake and a slight bow, to this wide smile and a few nice words of welcome
- Speech
Tone of voice
- Attitude
Nurturing respect
"I am wonderful, I will succeed today"
"My money is in your wallet and your product is on my shelf"
III. Communication
- types of communication
- verbal - that is what the customer will hear from you
- non-verbal - that is what the customer will see looking at you
- principles of effective communication
IV. Verbal communication
- effective - understandable message
- using voice and the ability to listen
- open questions, closed questions
V. Nonverbal communication
- external appearance, clothing - compliance with accepted canons, clothing conventions in a given industry, profession
- gestures, i.e. movements of the hands, hands, fingers, legs, head, etc.
- facial expressions, facial expression
- touch and physical contact - distance or closeness
- eye contact - an important element of interest
IV. Basics of customer knowledge - types of perception
- psychology of client's functioning
- shopping and incentives
- psychology of business contacts
- stages of acquiring knowledge - determining where we are
- types of perception
- eyes as a reflection of thoughts and feelings
VII. Techniques of getting to know the client
- main customer whims
- general principles of customer service
- work with "difficult clients"
VIII. Successful salesman work
- Optimism - where to get it
- Family, friends, parties, fun - surroundings
- Permitted drugs (music, weather, etc.)
- Delighting with every little element of your life - BE JOYFUL
- Optimism - how not to lose it
- Solve personal problems (family, friendly)
- Avoid watching negative news
- Minimize contact with people who are bleak and have only problems
IX. Merchant's documents
- Customer Card
- Billing documents
- Database
- commands
X. Summary and analysis of 'WHERE I AM AT THIS MOMENT'
- Repeat the most important issues
- "Where am I at the moment"
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