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Free training. Effective sales - Professional Customer Service - part - free online course - continued

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Free training. Effective sales - Professional Customer Service - part - free online course - continued 2024

The article is a continuation: Features of a good seller  .

I remind you that a good professional salesman is an effective salesman - effective, achieving good or very good sales results.


Features of a good seller: APPROACH TO LIFE, CLOTHING - SUIT, GARSONKA, ETC.

A suit plus a shirt, tie and appropriate shoes for men (a similar women's outfit for women), all this is clean and ironed , inspire trust, break the first ice on the customer-trader line.

The external appearance is also affected (of course !!) by personal hygiene, we always show our hands by giving the client a hand. Let them also testify positively.

Dress is particularly important in relation to women, the older a woman the more she appreciates classic attire for men and women. Remember that your serious, well-groomed appearance must be: "brightened" by your positive approach to life, smile, joy, care for the client and his needs.


Features of a good seller: SPEECH - SPEAKING

The style and way of speaking is no less important than the content. Here are some practical tips:

  • Don't talk too fast - keep your pace 120 - 150 words per minute.

Note: Under stress, the speaking pace increases automatically!

  • The monotonous voice puts the client to sleep. You need to change the volume and pitch, enter pauses. In addition, to highlight important issues; use gestures, and above all keep eye contact. Eyes are the most important factor of non-verbal communication, you can convey emotions and feelings with them.
  • Beware of "yyy", "aaa", "you know" or "let's say" interludes, the lack of fluency of speech hinders the communication process quite significantly. Speak grammatically, let the words be pronounced correctly and form a logical string.

 And what do you think about: Features of a good seller?


see also:

Features of a good seller 

Seller - merchant documents - commercial documentation - examples and examples

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