Sales is marketing? Is marketing a sale?

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Sales is marketing? Is marketing a sale?

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Marketing, i.e. meeting the needs


Is sales marketing? Yes, sales are one of the components of marketing. The company's sales department ensures efficient emptying of company magazines. Thanks to the sales department, the company through sales has cash inflows into its bank account. The impact of cash is an essential element of any business.

Many managers believe that sales are the most important part of the entire company. Well, because you can create a great product, but if the company fails to sell the product, it will not have influence and will cease to exist. Of course, glorifying sales is an exaggeration, because the company's success consists of many elements, which in the earlier parts of the training we called "marketing management". But actually effective sales is one of the most important factors for the proper functioning of every business.

It should be emphasized that many people equate sales with marketing. This is a mistake. Sales is a much narrower concept than marketing. Sales are only a small portion of all marketing.

It is also worth knowing that sales takes a variety of forms, including:

  • Direct Selling
  • Telesales
  • Internet sale
  • Email sales
  • Sales through retail outlets
  • Sales through wholesale outlets


I cordially invite you to the next parts of the training: Marketing or meeting your needs

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