Search engine marketing part 3

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Search engine marketing part 3

In the previous two entries I outlined the basic knowledge about the mechanisms of a very popular field which is promotion through search engines. Now it's time to get to the details. Namely, the following text will be intended primarily for people who can distinguish between browser and search engine and already know the definition of SEO (Search Engine Optimization).

Positioning and optimization of websites is a very wide field. Of course, I do not intend to explain all its aspects. I just want to point out, illustrate the most important rules that can affect the position in the results of organic search engines. This is an extremely interesting issue, the more so because despite the fact that many great books have been created about it, no one knows 100% of the individual search engines. Maybe except their creators themselves. This fascinates every marketer, because the position in search engines is a cardinal thing for many companies. It often means that a given company can achieve very good financial results.

What is the most important thing?

I think I will surprise everyone here (and maybe not). The most important and valuable element in positioning is the content of the website. I mean not only the substantive content itself (although this is also very important), but the appropriate intensity of keywords in selected texts. The indexing robots actually "comb" the website and its subpages, in a way, connecting them to the phrases entered by users. That is why websites built in flash are so hard to position. They are obviously eye-catching, but eye-catching, but they do not have text in indexed form.

In addition, indexing robots cannot read XHTML code the way they would if they had chosen flash. Of course, so as not to be misleading - flash pages are fixed, fitted in the XHTML language, but their content (except for the meta tags) is not.

This is an absolute foundation that every interactive advertising agency knows, or at least should know. By this I want to point out that a lot depends on the choice of technology on which the website will be placed. Impressive-looking pages are very difficult to position and if someone can not do it can ruin even the best planned marketing campaign. And what is the sense of the whole undertaking then?

The right high position in search results is the foundation for every campaign. A good summary of this entry is the sentence I heard a few years ago and I still consider it valid - "if you are not on the Internet, you do not exist." The more so because the wide reception of each brand is for many companies the Internet.


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